Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX)
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 mcx_bench.hMCX builtin benchmarks
 mcx_const.hConstants assumed in MCX codes
 mcx_core.cuGPU kernel for MC simulations and CUDA host code
 mcx_core.hMCX GPU kernel header file
 mcx_ieee754.hGNU random function header for Windows only
 mcx_mie.hMCX Mie scattering functions header
 mcx_shapes.c3D shape parsing and rasterization unit
 mcx_shapes.hMCX shape JSON parser header
 mcx_utils.cMie scattering parameters handling for polarized light simulations
 mcx_utils.hMCX configuration header
 mcxlab.cppMex function for MCXLAB
 nifti1.hOfficial definition of the nifti1 header. Written by Bob Cox, SSCC, NIMH
 pmcx.cppPython interface using Pybind11 for MCX