Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX)
Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
mcxlab.cpp File Reference

mex function for MCXLAB More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <exception>
#include <math.h>
#include "mex.h"
#include "mcx_const.h"
#include "mcx_utils.h"
#include "mcx_core.h"
#include "mcx_shapes.h"
Include dependency graph for mcxlab.cpp:


#define RAND_WORD_LEN   4
#define GET_1ST_FIELD(x, y)   if(strcmp(name,#y)==0) {double *val=mxGetPr(item);x->y=val[0];printf("mcx.%s=%g;\n",#y,(float)(x->y));}
#define GET_ONE_FIELD(x, y)   else GET_1ST_FIELD(x,y)
#define GET_VEC3_FIELD(u, v)
#define GET_VEC34_FIELD(u, v)
#define GET_VEC4_FIELD(u, v)
#define SET_GPU_INFO(output, id, v)   mxSetField(output,id,#v,mxCreateDoubleScalar(gpuinfo[i].v));


typedef mwSize dimtype


void mcx_set_field (const mxArray *root, const mxArray *item, int idx, Config *cfg)
 Function to parse one subfield of the input structure. More...
void mcxlab_usage ()
 Print a brief help information if nothing is provided.
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 Mex function for the MCX host function for MATLAB/Octave This is the master function to interface all MCX features inside MATLAB. In MCXLAB, all inputs are read from the cfg structure, which contains all simuation parameters and data. More...
int mcx_throw_exception (const int id, const char *msg, const char *filename, const int linenum)
 Error reporting function in the mex function, equivallent to mcx_error in binary mode. More...
void mcx_matlab_flush ()
 Force matlab refresh the command window to print all buffered messages.


float * detps = NULL
int dimdetps [2] = {0, 0}
 buffer to receive data from cfg.detphotons field
int seedbyte = 0
 dimensions of the cfg.detphotons array

Detailed Description

mex function for MCXLAB

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GET_1ST_FIELD (   x,
)    if(strcmp(name,#y)==0) {double *val=mxGetPr(item);x->y=val[0];printf("mcx.%s=%g;\n",#y,(float)(x->y));}

Macro to read the 1st scalar cfg member


#define GET_ONE_FIELD (   x,
)    else GET_1ST_FIELD(x,y)

Macro to read one scalar cfg member


#define GET_VEC34_FIELD (   u,
else if(strcmp(name,#v)==0) {double *val=mxGetPr(item);u->v.x=val[0];u->v.y=val[1];u->v.z=val[2];if(mxGetNumberOfElements(item)==4) u->v.w=val[3];\
printf("mcx.%s=[%g %g %g %g];\n",#v,(float)(u->v.x),(float)(u->v.y),(float)(u->v.z),(float)(u->v.w));}

Macro to read one 3- or 4-element vector member of cfg


#define GET_VEC3_FIELD (   u,
else if(strcmp(name,#v)==0) {double *val=mxGetPr(item);u->v.x=val[0];u->v.y=val[1];u->v.z=val[2];\
printf("mcx.%s=[%g %g %g];\n",#v,(float)(u->v.x),(float)(u->v.y),(float)(u->v.z));}

Macro to read one 3-element vector member of cfg


#define GET_VEC4_FIELD (   u,
else if(strcmp(name,#v)==0) {double *val=mxGetPr(item);u->v.x=val[0];u->v.y=val[1];u->v.z=val[2];u->v.w=val[3];\
printf("mcx.%s=[%g %g %g %g];\n",#v,(float)(u->v.x),(float)(u->v.y),(float)(u->v.z),(float)(u->v.w));}

Macro to read one 4-element vector member of cfg


#define RAND_WORD_LEN   4

number of Words per RNG state


#define SET_GPU_INFO (   output,
)    mxSetField(output,id,#v,mxCreateDoubleScalar(gpuinfo[i].v));

Macro to output GPU parameters as field

Function Documentation

◆ mcx_set_field()

void mcx_set_field ( const mxArray *  root,
const mxArray *  item,
int  idx,
Config cfg 

Function to parse one subfield of the input structure.

This function reads in all necessary information from the cfg input structure. it can handle single scalar inputs, short vectors (3-4 elem), strings and arrays.

[in]rootthe cfg input data structure
[in]itemthe current element of the cfg input data structure
[in]idxthe index of the current element (starting from 0)
[out]cfgthe simulation configuration structure to store all input read from the parameters

float to half conversion (for denorms)

◆ mcx_throw_exception()

int mcx_throw_exception ( const int  id,
const char *  msg,
const char *  filename,
const int  linenum 

Error reporting function in the mex function, equivallent to mcx_error in binary mode.

[in]ida single integer for the types of the error
[in]msgthe error message string
[in]filenamethe unit file name where this error is raised
[in]linenumthe line number in the file where this error is raised

◆ mexFunction()

void mexFunction ( int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int  nrhs,
const mxArray *  prhs[] 

Mex function for the MCX host function for MATLAB/Octave This is the master function to interface all MCX features inside MATLAB. In MCXLAB, all inputs are read from the cfg structure, which contains all simuation parameters and data.

If no input is given for this function, it prints help information and return.

If a single string is passed, and if this string is 'gpuinfo', this function returns the list of GPUs on this host and return.

If a structure is passed to this function, a simulation will be launched.

Find out information about input and output.

how many subfield in the input cfg data structure

if input is a struct array, each element of the struct is a simulation

The function can return 1-5 outputs (i.e. the LHS)

Loop over each element of the struct if it is an array, each element is a simulation

Initialize cfg with default values first

Read each struct element from input and set value to the cfg configuration

Overwite the output flags using the number of output present

issave2pt defualt is 1, but allow users to manually disable, auto disable only if there is no output

save detected photon data to the 2nd output if present

save detected photon seeds to the 4th output if present

Validate all input fields, and warn incompatible inputs

One must define the domain and properties

One must also choose one of the GPUs

Initialize all buffers necessary to store the output variables

Start multiple threads, one thread to run portion of the simulation on one CUDA GPU, all in parallel

Enclose all simulation calls inside a try/catch construct for exception handling

Call the main simulation host function to start the simulation

If error is detected, gracefully terminate the mex and return back to MATLAB

if 5th output presents, output the photon trajectory data

if the 4th output presents, output the detected photon seeds

if the 3rd output presents, output the detector-masked medium volume, similar to the –dumpmask flag

if the 2nd output presents, output the detected photon partialpath data

if the 1st output presents, output the fluence/energy-deposit volume data

also return the run-time info in outut.runtime

return the total simulated photon number

return the total simulated energy

return the total absorbed energy

return the normalization factor

return the voxel size unitinmm

return the relative workload between multiple GPUs

return the final optical properties for polarized MCX simulation

Clear up simulation data structures by calling the destructors

Here is the call graph for this function: