Showing revision 2

MCX-CL Change Log

MCX-CL 0.9 (Eternity - beta) branch, FangQ <q.fang at>

 2019-03-16 [1ce5240] update installation guide
 2019-03-13 [7d6c192] update documentation for internalsrc flag
 2019-03-13 [80db60f] print gpuinfo inside matlab
 2019-03-13 [5465b99] support internalsrc flag in mcxlabcl
 2019-03-13 [50485bd] remove skipvoid when the source is inside, improve AMD GPU speed by 2-3x
 2019-03-13 [4853da3] avoid crashing matlab when mixing devices from different platforms
 2019-03-12 [c0e8da7] set default optlevel to 1
 2019-03-05 [079604d] demote the optimization level to 1
 2019-03-05 [35d5797] fix compilation error on amdgpu-pro drivers 16.60
 2019-03-04 [8f78960] fix runtime calculation in mcxlabcl
 2019-03-03 [f748e74] add color to the command line output
 2019-03-02 [3cc2b49] fix bugs for isotropic source, cone source, add gpubenchmark script
 2019-03-02 [d784bc6] avoid gcc warning,test xxd utility and add vim-common dependency
 2019-03-02 [7450c87] add all mcx matlab functions, update mcxlabcl help, fix mcxlabcl compilation bug
 2019-03-01 [8c3f16b] fix bug to read srcparam from json
 2019-03-01 [6e916cb] sync mcxcl with mcx 2019.2
 2019-02-28 [3c6f928] sync mcx updates, add colin27, digimouse and usc19-5 examples
 2019-01-29 [c5947c6] Merge pull request #22 from koenigjaeger/master
 2019-01-29 [9652224] fix dimtype definition; copy from a fix made in mmclab
 2019-01-27 [75a258f] change lib path to link with cuda
 2019-01-18 [60aab29] fix mmclab crash due to racing in multi-thread, similar to mcx issue #60
 2018-11-21 [5a3d058] fix skinvessel json input file
 2018-11-21 [bd9db4c] update the launch position in skinvessel benchmark
 2018-11-14 [aed9038] add benchmark from mcxyz skinvessel example
 2018-11-13 [0f3611c] test if gpuid is 0 to avoid mcxlab crashing
 2018-09-27 [0d7e54b] give a warning and avoid crash for unsupported debug flags, fix #46
 2018-09-15 [2567fd3] Merge branch 'master' of
 2018-09-15 [51e8c97] launchphoton supports half precision
 2018-09-01 [d316023] add nightly build script for mcxcl

MCX-CL 0.8 (Duality) beta branch, FangQ <q.fang at>

 2018-08-18 [6ca494c] avoid static linking libm to work with gcc 5.4
 2018-08-16*[939ee95] fix floating point accummulation error, port from mcx #41
 2018-03-29 [966455f] changes to compile mcxcl.mex using mingw64 g++ on Windows
 2018-03-25 [5a1b812] port saveref from mcx to save diffuse reflectance
 2018-03-24 [ed508fa] port mcx saveexit flag to mcxcl
 2018-03-24 [e08f2f7] support nii output format
 2018-03-23*[2111a47] accept full json input in the command line
 2018-03-22 [57defd5] fix detection bug, use --debug, read focal len, update help info
 2018-03-20 [24bf3b3] update makefile for windows
 2018-03-19 [be5ebba] use non-blocking buffer mapping,remove get_local_size
 2018-03-18*[ad29b2a] port progress bar from mcx, but not yet working
 2018-03-18 [85d6d5c] compile mcxlabcl on linux and mac
 2018-03-17*[9ad1ad5] unify mcxlab and mcxlabcl
 2018-03-17 [fc59b7d] initial port of mcxlab to mcxcl - mcxlabcl for matlab and octave
 2018-02-22 [9e62ac3] separate compilation for amd and nvidia
 2018-02-16 [5b73ba6] fix crash for widefield source, fix bug for initial scattering
 2018-02-13*[8a53b17] initial port of complex source support from mcx, skipvoid gives segfault if source is outside, need debug
 2018-02-08*[88d9d4b] define default cl program
 2018-01-29 [d7a1a2f] add optlevel, update main reference
 2017-11-22 [68a1557] accept -G integer to specify GPU, like mcx
 2017-11-22 [ba0e780] fix nextafter for half, add nextafter test kernel
 2017-11-19*[0c11f79] add half precision raytracer, support AMD Vega
 2017-10-30 [a031aae] incorporate Leiming's workgroup load-balancing,simulate exact photon number
 2017-10-28 [5fbf6cf] use 2560 items per sm based on Leiming's test
 2017-10-28 [a188f8e] hand tune AMD autothread number
 2017-10-26 [f3a53f4] add MCX_SIMPLIFY_BRANCH flag to reduce thread divergence
 2017-10-25 [86956ce] avoid overloading major and minor flags for AMD device, use vendor tag
 2017-10-22 [2f23726] set autothread on Intel GPU
 2017-10-22 [bf8fec4] tune persistent mode on Intel GPU,remove warning
 2017-10-09*[c030366] absorb all variations in the paper in one version, switch by flags
 2017-08-03*[8b237f4] mcxcl doc update
 2017-08-03 [6e52e32] compile mcxcl on windows, remove mcxstudio
 2017-07-30 [8fc3698] ported some of the latest features from mcx - integer media,savenii,mcxstudio flags
 2017-01-26 [aef375d] Revert "optimize photon workload at work-group level"
 2016-08-27 [135dc82] change clWaitForEvents to clFinish to avoid hanging
 2016-08-24 [0e3865b] update core count for GP104
 2016-08-23 [d76f626] support autopilot on AMD devices
 2016-08-22 [c28fe99] fix core counts for Pascal
 2016-08-22 [6c1cdc1] add speed benchmark
 2016-08-22 [6b0fffa] port JSON input support from MCX to MCXCL
 2016-08-19 [188c5d5] add autopilot mode, determine SM count using nvidia CL extension
 2016-08-16 [0d7bece] set xorshift128+ RNG as default
 2016-03-21 [1a49986] enable posix erand48 with cl_khr_fp64 extension
 2016-03-15 [133b242] make mcxcl run on Intel HD graphics
 2016-02-15 [5370ef0] port major mcx updates to mcxcl - hitgrid, normalization, detection, reflection handling etc
 2014-10-03 [d732ce9] fix critical bugs found in MCX 0.9.7-2 or earlier releases
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