Appendix A - Command line options

The below section provides full lists to the version 2020 of mcx and mcxcl binaries. One can obtain these outputs via the command mcx --help or mcxcl --help.

mcx command full option list

#                      Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) -- CUDA                      #
#          Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Qianqian Fang <q.fang at>          #
#                                                  #
#                                                                             #
# Computational Optics & Translational Imaging (COTI) Lab- #
#            Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University            #
#    The MCX Project is funded by the NIH/NIGMS under grant R01-GM114365      #
$Rev::fb2cc8$2020.4 $Date::2020-04-06 13:30:09 -04$ by $Author::Qianqian Fang $

usage: mcx <param1> <param2> ...
where possible parameters include (the first value in [*|*] is the default)

== Required option ==
 -f config     (--input)       read an input file in .json or .inp format
 --bench ['cube60','skinvessel',..] run a buint-in benchmark specified by name
                               run --bench without parameter to get a list

== MC options ==
 -n [0|int]    (--photon)      total photon number (exponential form accepted)
                               max accepted value:9.2234e+18 on 64bit systems
 -r [1|+/-int] (--repeat)      if positive, repeat by r times,total= #photon*r
                               if negative, divide #photon into r subsets
 -b [1|0]      (--reflect)     1 to reflect photons at ext. boundary;0 to exit
 -B '______'   (--bc)          per-face boundary condition (BC), 6 letters for
    /case insensitive/         bounding box faces at -x,-y,-z,+x,+y,+z axes;
			       overwrite -b if given. 
			       each letter can be one of the following:
			       '_': undefined, fallback to -b
			       'r': like -b 1, Fresnel reflection BC
			       'a': like -b 0, total absorption BC
			       'm': mirror or total reflection BC
			       'c': cyclic BC, enter from opposite face
 -u [1.|float] (--unitinmm)    defines the length unit for the grid edge
 -U [1|0]      (--normalize)   1 to normalize flux to unitary; 0 save raw
 -E [0|int|mch](--seed)        set random-number-generator seed, -1 to generate
                               if an mch file is followed, MCX "replays" 
                               the detected photon; the replay mode can be used
                               to calculate the mua/mus Jacobian matrices
 -z [0|1]      (--srcfrom0)    1 volume origin is [0 0 0]; 0: origin at [1 1 1]
 -R [-2|float] (--skipradius)  -2: use atomics for the entire domain (default)
                                0: vanilla MCX, no atomic operations
                               >0: radius in which use shared-memory atomics
                               -1: use crop0/crop1 to determine atomic zone
 -k [1|0]      (--voidtime)    when src is outside, 1 enables timer inside void
 -Y [0|int]    (--replaydet)   replay only the detected photons from a given 
                               detector (det ID starts from 1), used with -E 
			       if 0, replay all detectors and sum all Jacobians
			       if -1, replay all detectors and save separately
 -V [0|1]      (--specular)    1 source located in the background,0 inside mesh
 -e [0.|float] (--minenergy)   minimum energy level to terminate a photon
 -g [1|int]    (--gategroup)   number of time gates per run

== GPU options ==
 -L            (--listgpu)     print GPU information only
 -t [16384|int](--thread)      total thread number
 -T [64|int]   (--blocksize)   thread number per block
 -A [1|int]    (--autopilot)   1 let mcx decide thread/block size, 0 use -T/-t
 -G [0|int]    (--gpu)         specify which GPU to use, list GPU by -L; 0 auto
 -G '1101'     (--gpu)         using multiple devices (1 enable, 0 disable)
 -W '50,30,20' (--workload)    workload for active devices; normalized by sum
 -I            (--printgpu)    print GPU information and run program

== Input options ==
 -P '{...}'    (--shapes)      a JSON string for additional shapes in the grid
 -K [1|int|str](--mediabyte)   volume data format, use either a number or a str
                               1 or byte: 0-128 tissue labels
			       2 or short: 0-65535 (max to 4000) tissue labels
			       4 or integer: integer tissue labels 
                             100 or muamus_float: 2x 32bit floats for mua/mus
                             101 or mua_float: 1 float per voxel for mua
			     102 or muamus_half: 2x 16bit float for mua/mus
			     103 or asgn_byte: 4x byte gray-levels for mua/s/g/n
			     104 or muamus_short: 2x short gray-levels for mua/s
 -a [0|1]      (--array)       1 for C array (row-major); 0 for Matlab array

== Output options ==
 -s sessionid  (--session)     a string to label all output file names
 -O [X|XFEJPM] (--outputtype)  X - output flux, F - fluence, E - energy density
    /case insensitive/         J - Jacobian (replay mode),   P - scattering, 
			       event counts at each voxel (replay mode only)
                               M - momentum transfer; 
 -d [1|0]      (--savedet)     1 to save photon info at detectors; 0 not save
 -w [DP|DSPMXVW](--savedetflag)a string controlling detected photon data fields
    /case insensitive/         1 D  output detector ID (1)
                               2 S  output partial scat. even counts (#media)
                               4 P  output partial path-lengths (#media)
			       8 M  output momentum transfer (#media)
			      16 X  output exit position (3)
			      32 V  output exit direction (3)
			      64 W  output initial weight (1)
      combine multiple items by using a string, or add selected numbers together
      by default, mcx only saves detector ID and partial-path data
 -x [0|1]      (--saveexit)    1 to save photon exit positions and directions
                               setting -x to 1 also implies setting '-d' to 1.
			       same as adding 'XV' to -w.
 -X [0|1]      (--saveref)     1 to save diffuse reflectance at the air-voxels
                               right outside of the domain; if non-zero voxels
			       appear at the boundary, pad 0s before using -X
 -m [0|1]      (--momentum)    1 to save photon momentum transfer,0 not to save.
                               same as adding 'M' to the -w flag
 -q [0|1]      (--saveseed)    1 to save photon RNG seed for replay; 0 not save
 -M [0|1]      (--dumpmask)    1 to dump detector volume masks; 0 do not save
 -H [1000000] (--maxdetphoton) max number of detected photons
 -S [1|0]      (--save2pt)     1 to save the flux field; 0 do not save
 -F [mc2|...] (--outputformat) fluence data output format:
                               mc2 - MCX mc2 format (binary 32bit float)
                               jnii - JNIfTI format (
                               bnii - Binary JNIfTI (
                               nii - NIfTI format
                               hdr - Analyze 7.5 hdr/img format
                               tx3 - GL texture data for rendering (GL_RGBA32F)
	the bnii/jnii formats support compression (-Z) and generate small files
	load jnii (JSON) and bnii (UBJSON) files using below lightweight libs:
	  MATLAB/Octave: JNIfTI toolbox, 
	  MATLAB/Octave: JSONLab toolbox, 
	  Python:        PyJData:
	  JavaScript:    JSData:
 -Z [zlib|...] (--zip)         set compression method if -F jnii or --dumpjson
                               is used (when saving data to JSON/JNIfTI format)
			       0 zlib: zip format (moderate compression,fast) 
			       1 gzip: gzip format (compatible with *.gz)
			       2 base64: base64 encoding with no compression
			       3 lzip: lzip format (high compression,very slow)
			       4 lzma: lzma format (high compression,very slow)
			       5 lz4: LZ4 format (low compression,extrem. fast)
			       6 lz4hc: LZ4HC format (moderate compression,fast)
 --dumpjson [-,2,'file.json']  export all settings, including volume data using
                               JSON/JData ( format for 
			       easy sharing; can be reused using -f
			       if followed by nothing or '-', mcx will print
			       the JSON to the console; write to a file if file
			       name is specified; by default, prints settings
			       after pre-processing; '--dumpjson 2' prints 
			       raw inputs before pre-processing

== User IO options ==
 -h            (--help)        print this message
 -v            (--version)     print MCX revision number
 -l            (--log)         print messages to a log file instead
 -i 	       (--interactive) interactive mode

== Debug options ==
 -D [0|int]    (--debug)       print debug information (you can use an integer
  or                           or a string by combining the following flags)
 -D [''|RMP]                   1 R  debug RNG
    /case insensitive/         2 M  store photon trajectory info
                               4 P  print progress bar
      combine multiple items by using a string, or add selected numbers together

== Additional options ==
 --root         [''|string]    full path to the folder storing the input files
 --gscatter     [1e9|int]      after a photon completes the specified number of
                               scattering events, mcx then ignores anisotropy g
                               and only performs isotropic scattering for speed
 --internalsrc  [0|1]          set to 1 to skip entry search to speedup launch
 --maxvoidstep  [1000|int]     maximum distance (in voxel unit) of a photon that
                               can travel before entering the domain, if 
                               launched outside (i.e. a widefield source)
 --maxjumpdebug [10000000|int] when trajectory is requested (i.e. -D M),
                               use this parameter to set the maximum positions
                               stored (default: 1e7)
 --faststep [0|1]              1-use fast 1mm stepping, [0]-precise ray-tracing

== Example ==
example: (autopilot mode)
       mcx -A 1 -n 1e7 -f input.inp -G 1 -D P
or (manual mode)
       mcx -t 16384 -T 64 -n 1e7 -f input.inp -s test -r 2 -g 10 -d 1 -w dpx -b 1 -G 1
or (use multiple devices - 1st,2nd and 4th GPUs - together with equal load)
       mcx -A -n 1e7 -f input.inp -G 1101 -W 10,10,10
or (use inline domain definition)
       mcx -f input.json -P '{"Shapes":[{"ZLayers":[[1,10,1],[11,30,2],[31,60,3]]}]}'
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