Showing revision 2.1

Paper in press, software coming soon ...

Citation: Qianqian Fang, "Mesh-based Monte Carlo Method Using Fast Ray-Tracing in Plücker Coordinates," Biomedical Optics Express (in press)


Mesh-based Monte Carlo Method Using Fast Ray-Tracing in Plücker Coordinates


We describe a fast mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMCM) photon migration algorithm for static and time-resolved imaging in 3D complex media. Compared with previous works using voxel-based media discretization, a mesh-based approach can be more accurate in modeling targets with curved boundaries or locally refined structures. We implement an efficient ray-tracing technique using Plücker Coordinates. The Barycentric coordinates computed from Plücker-formed ray-tracing enables us to use linear Lagrange basis functions to model both media properties and fluence distribution, leading to further improvement in accuracy. The Plücker-coordinate ray-polygon intersection test can be extended to hexahedral or high-order elements. Excellent agreement is found when comparing MMCM with the analytical diffusion model and 3D voxel-based Monte Carlo code in both homogeneous and heterogeneous cases. Realistic time-resolved imaging results are observed for a complex human brain anatomy using MMCM. We also include multi-threading support in the software and will port it to a graphics processing unit platform in the near future.


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