Showing revision 1.1

Installation Instructions for MMC

Actually, you don't really need to install MMC. There is a single executable in this software that is needed for all the simulations. If you download the right binary package for your platform, this executable is located under the mmc/src/bin directory and is typically named as "mmc" (or mmc.exe for windows). When running simulations, you simply need to type the full path to the mmc executable to invoke your command. Something like:

 /path/to/mmc -n 10000 -f inputfile.inp -D TP

If you are tired of typing the full path, you have two choices.

  1. you can move the mmc binary to the /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directory of your system, then you can simply type mmc instead of the full path.
  2. you can add the path containing mmc binary to your PATH environment variable. Details can be found at this page.

If your system complains about missing "", you are likely running a multi-threaded version of mmc but your system does not have the OpenMP libraries. This can be solved by installing the gcc package using the commands at this link, or simply download the packages with "static" in the name.

How to install mmc on an Android device

If you want to play with this code on your Android devices and have some fun, here is what you can do

  1. download the android version of mmc from the Download page
  2. extract the package to your computer local drive
  3. download and install Android SDK
  4. under the tools folder, run ./ command
  5. in the pop up window, select to install Android platform tools and SDK for your android version
  6. once it complete, connect your device using USB cable
  7. navigate into the platform-tools folder in a terminal, type
    1. sudo ./adb kill-server
    2. sudo ./adb start-server
    3. sudo ./adb devices
  8. If you see a device ID, that means the device is visible to the system
  9. then you can do
    1. ./adb push /full/path/to/android/mmc/bin/mmc /data/local/mmc
  10. now you can copy some mesh data files and input files into your /sdcard/workdir/test folder
  11. then, use ./adb shell to start a shell, and type "/data/local/mmc" then enter, see if you see the help file.
  12. to run a simulation do a "cd /sdcard/workdir/test" and then type
    1. /data/local/mmc -n 1000 -f myinput.inp -D TP
  13. this will run the simulation and dump the data to your SD card

Note: The author is not responsible if your device got fried, or anything unexpected happens :-)

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