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Mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC)

Multi-threaded Edition

  • Author: Qianqian Fang <fangq at>
  • License: GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3), see License.txt
  • Version: 0.2 (Cheesecake)

Table of Content:

1. Introduction
2. Download and Compile MMC
3. Running Simulations
4. Interpreting the Output

1. Introduction

Mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) is a 3D Monte Carlo (MC) simulation software for photon migration in random turbid media. MMC combines the strengths from both MC-based photon migration and finite-element (FE) method: on one hand, it can handle low-scattering media as in MC, on the other hand, it can use unstructual meshes to represent curved boundary and complex domains, as in FE. MMC implements a precise ray-tracing process to propagate a photon using a Plucker coordinate formula. Both the media and the fluence can be represented by piece-wise-linear basis functions, thus, providing additional accuracy. This implementation also supports multi-threaded parallel computing and can give a nearly proportional acceleration when running on multi-core processors.

MMC uses FE meshes to represent complex domains. To generate an accurate FE mesh for arbitrary object had been a difficult task in the past. Fortunately, Qianqian along with other developers had made great progress to develop a simple-to-use-yet-powerful mesh generation tool, iso2mesh [1], which made this task dramatically easier. One should also download and install iso2mesh when running all the examples from MMC.

We will soon develop a massively-parallel version of MMC by porting this code to CUDA and OpenCL. This is expected to produce a hundreds or even thousands fold of acceleration in speed as we had observed with the GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo code (Monte Carlo eXtreme, or MCX [2]), developed by the same author.

The details of MMC are reported in the following paper:

  • Qianqian Fang, "Mesh-based Monte Carlo method using fast ray-tracing in Plücker coordinates," Biomed. Opt. Express 1, 165-175 (2010)

2. Download and Compile MMC

The code of MMC is currently developed in the source control system using Subversion (SVN). To check out the SVN source code, you should use the following command:

 svn checkout --username anonymous_user mmc

then type the password as "anonymous_user". This will allow you to anonymously check out the entire source code tree.

To compile the software, you need to install GNU gcc compiler toolchain on your system. For Debian/Ubuntu based GNU/Linux systems, you can type

 sudo apt-get install gcc

and for Fedora/Redhat based GNU/Linux systems, you can type

 su -c 'yum install gcc'

to install the necessary compilers. To compile the binary supporting OpenMP multi-threaded computing, your gcc version should be at least 4.2. To compile the binary supporting SSE4 instructions, gcc version should be at least 4.3.4. For windows users, you should install MinGW with a later version of gcc [3]. For Mac OS X users, you can install Xcode 3 and find gcc or llvm-gcc [4] from the installation.

To compile the program, you should first navigate into the mmc/src folder, and type

  make release

this will compile a single-threaded optimized binary under mmc/src/bin folder. Other make options include

  make omp  # this compiles an OpenMP multi-threaded binary
  make prof # this makes a binary to produce profiling info for gprof
  make sse  # this uses SSE4 optimized subroutines for vector operations
  make      # this produces an non-optimized binary with debugging symbols

If you append "-f makefile_log" at the end of any of the above make commands, you will creat a binary named mmc_log, which uses a Logistic-Lattice RNG instead of the 48bit POSIX RNG.

You should be able to compile the code with Intel C++ compiler, AMD C compiler or LLVM. If you see any error message, please follow the instruction to fix your compiler settings or install the missing libraries.

3. Running Simulations

Before you create/run your own MMC simulations, we suggest you first going through all the subfolders under the mmc/example folder and check out the formats of the input files and the scripts for pre- and post-processings.

Because MMC uses FE mesh in the simulation, you should create a mesh for your problem domain before you running the simulation. Fortunately, you can do this fairly straightforwardly using a matlab/octave mesh generator, iso2mesh [1], developed by the same author. In the mmc/matlab folder, we also provide additional functions to generate regular grid-shaped mesh.

The full command line options of MMC include the following:

usage: mmc <param1> <param2> ...
where possible parameters include (the first item in [] is the default value)
 -i 	       (--interactive) interactive mode
 -f config     (--input)       read config from a file
 -n [0|int]    (--photon)      total photon number
 -b [0|1]      (--reflect)     1 do reflection at internal&external boundaries, 0 no reflection
 -e [0.|float] (--minenergy)   minimum energy level to trigger Russian roulette
 -u [1.|float] (--unitinmm)    define the length unit in mm for the mesh
 -U [1|0]      (--normalize)   1 to normailze the fluence to unitary, 0 to save raw fluence
 -d [1|0]      (--savedet)     1 to save photon info at detectors, 0 not to save
 -S [1|0]      (--save2pt)     1 to save the fluence field, 0 do not save
 -s sessionid  (--session)     a string to identify this specific simulation (and output files)
 -h            (--help)        print this message
 -l            (--log)         print messages to a log file instead
 -D [0|int]    (--debug)       print debug information (you can use an integer or
  or                           a string by combining the following debugging flags)
 -D [''|MCBWDIOXATRP]          1 M  photon movement info
                               2 C  print ray-polygon testing details
                               4 B  print Bary centric coordinates
                               8 W  print photon weight changes
                              16 D  print distances
                              32 I  entering a triangle
                              64 O  exiting a triangle
                             128 X  hiting an edge
                             256 A  accumulating weights to the mesh
                             512 T  timing information
                            1024 R  debugging reflection
                            2048 P  show progress bar
       add the numbers together to print mulitple items, or one can use a string
       mmc -n 1000000 -f input.inp -s test -D TP -b 0

The simplest example can be found under the "example/onecube" folder. Please run "createmesh" first from matlab/octave to create all the mesh files, which include

  elem_onecube.dat    -- tetrahedral element file
  facenb_onecube.dat  -- element neighbors of each face
  node_onecube.dat    -- node coordinates
  prop_onecube.dat    -- optical properties of each element type
  velem_onecube.dat   -- volume of each element

The input file of the example is onecube.inp, where we specify most of the simulation parameters. The mesh files are linked through the volume string (specifying the name stub). To run the simulation, you should run bash script. If you want to run mmc directly from the command line, you can do so by typing

 ../../src/bin/mmc -n 20 -f onecube.inp -s onecube 

where -n specifies the total photon number to be simulated, -f specifies the input file and -s gives the output file name. To see all the supported options, run mmc without any parameters.

The above command only runs 20 photons and it will complete instantly. An output onecube.dat will be saved to record the normalized (unitary) fluence at each node. If you specify multiple time-windows from the input file, the output will contain multiple blocks with each block corresponding to the time-domain solution at all nodes computed for each time window.

More sophisticated examples can be found under example/validation and example/meshtest folder, where you can find createmesh script and data analysis script after you running the simulations.

4. Interpreting the Output

to be added


  1. -- an image-based surface/volumetric mesh generator
  2. -- Monte Carlo eXtreme: a GPU-accelerated MC code
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