msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"

#: tfmabout.button1.caption
msgctxt "tfmabout.button1.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmabout.caption
msgid "About Monte Carlo eXtreme Studio"
msgstr ""

#: tfmabout.image3.hint
msgctxt "tfmabout.image3.hint"
msgid "About MCX"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.btcancel.caption
msgctxt "tfmconfig.btcancel.caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.btok.caption
msgctxt "tfmconfig.btok.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.caption
msgid "MCX Studio Config"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.ckusemanualpath.caption
msgid "Use Manual Paths"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.edlocalpath.columns[0].title.caption
msgctxt "tfmconfig.edlocalpath.columns[0].title.caption"
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.edscppath.hint
msgctxt "tfmconfig.edscppath.hint"
msgid "Local SCP Executable Path"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.edsshpath.hint
msgid "Local SSH Path"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.edworkpath.text
msgid "%MCXSTUDIO%/MCXOutput"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox2.caption
msgid "MCXStudio Local Output Root Directory"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox3.caption
msgid "Remote MCX/MMC/MCXCl Executable Search Paths"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox4.caption
msgid "Local MCX/MMC/MCXCl Executable Search Paths"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox5.caption
msgid "Local SSH Executable Path"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox6.caption
msgctxt "tfmconfig.groupbox6.caption"
msgid "Local SCP Executable Path"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox7.caption
msgid "Remote MCX/MMC/MCXCl Output Directory"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.groupbox8.caption
msgid "Remote GPU Server"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.label1.caption
msgid "Hostname or IP"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.label2.caption
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""

#: tfmconfig.label3.caption
msgid "User name"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.btcancel.caption
msgctxt "tfmdatafile.btcancel.caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.btok.caption
msgctxt "tfmdatafile.btok.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.caption
msgid " Data File Properties"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.eddataformat.text
msgid "Float (32bit)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label10.caption
msgid "Data File"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label4.caption
msgid "Y Dimension"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label5.caption
msgid "X Dimension"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label6.caption
msgid "Z Dimension"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label7.caption
msgctxt "tfmdatafile.label7.caption"
msgid "Time Gates"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label8.caption
msgctxt "tfmdatafile.label8.caption"
msgid "Time Gates"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdatafile.label9.caption
msgid "Header Size"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acexit.caption
msgid "acExit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acexit.hint
msgctxt "tfmdomain.acexit.hint"
msgid "Exit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.achidebbx.caption
msgid "acHideBBX"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.achidebbx.hint
msgid "Hide Domain Box"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acloadjson.caption
msgid "acLoadJSON"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acloadjson.hint
msgid "Load JSON"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acrender.caption
msgid "acRender"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acrender.hint
msgid "Render"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acresetcamera.caption
msgid "acResetCamera"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acresetcamera.hint
msgid "Reset Camera"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acsaveimage.caption
msgid "acSaveImage"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acsaveimage.hint
msgctxt "tfmdomain.acsaveimage.hint"
msgid "Save Screen"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acsavejson.caption
msgid "acSaveJSON"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.acsavejson.hint
msgid "Save JSON"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.btbackground.hint
msgctxt "tfmdomain.btbackground.hint"
msgid "Change Background Color"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.btpin.caption
msgid "Pin Editor"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.btpin.hint
msgid "Show editor"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.caption
msgid "MCX Domain Renderer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.toolbar1.caption
msgctxt "tfmdomain.toolbar1.caption"
msgid "ToolBar1"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.toolbutton11.caption
msgid "ToolButton11"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.toolbutton7.caption
msgid "ToolButton7"
msgstr ""

#: tfmdomain.toolbutton9.caption
msgctxt "tfmdomain.toolbutton9.caption"
msgid "ToolButton9"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btexpandoutput.caption
msgid "▵"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btexpandoutput.hint
msgid "To expand or collapse the command window."
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btgbexpand.caption
msgid "▾"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btloadseed.hint
msgid "Load seed data from previous simulations for replay"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btsendcmd.caption
msgid "Send"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.btsendcmd.hint
msgid ""
"Send the user input to the input buffer of the external program \n"
"currently being executed.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.button2.caption
msgid "Clear Output"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.caption
msgid "MCX Studio"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckautopilot.caption
msgid "Let MCX decide thread/block size (-A)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckautopilot.hint
msgid ""
"Autopilot \n"
"Checking this box tells MCX/MMC to automatically determine the \"optimal\"\n"
"thread number and block size by using the hardware information.\n"
"It is recommended to always check this box. The key to maximize simulation\n"
"throughput is to ensure a large number of threads are launched to keep the\n"
"hardware resources fully utilized.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckbdebug.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.ckbdebug.hint"
msgid "DebugFlags"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckbdet.hint
msgid ""
"SaveDetFlag \n"
"This checkbox list allows users to select the detected photon\n"
"data items that they want to save in the .mch file.\n"
"By default, only the Detector ID and Partial Pathlength are stored.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckdoremote.caption
msgid "Run remote command:"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckdoremote.hint
msgid ""
"DoRemote \n"
"Check this option asks MCXStudio to call the specified ssh command \n"
"and run mcx/mmc simulations on remote servers. \n"
"Please be aware that one must prepare the server and client to enable\n"
"remote execution, this include\n"
"1. install mcx/mmc/mcxcl executable on remote server and add path to\n"
"    the PATH environment \n"
"2. install ssh client on the local client; for Linux/Mac, ssh/scp command is\n"
"    typically built-in; for windows, please install plink.exe and pscp.exe and\n"
"    ensure that their paths are on the PATH environment variable\n"
"3. optionally, one can set the SSH key between the client and server to \n"
"    avoid typing password, please see\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckdoreplay.caption
msgid "Replay"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckdoreplay.hint
msgid ""
"DoReplay \n"
"When selecting a .mch file as the seed, this checkbox is automatically \n"
"checked, signifying that MCX/MMC will perform a photon replay by\n"
"reading the RNG seeds from the .mch file and rerun the photons to produce\n"
"the Jacobians - in such case, one can use the \"Output Type\" to select which\n"
"metric to output.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cklockgpu.caption
msgid "Lock GPU"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cklockgpu.hint
msgid ""
"Checking this box prevents MCXStudio from updating the device list\n"
"when switching between different simulation sessions.\n"
"When running simulation on a remote server, it is recommended to\n"
"lock the GPU to avoid resetting of the device list.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cknormalize.caption
msgid "Do normalization (-U)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cknormalize.hint
msgid ""
"DoNormalize \n"
"Check this option allows MCX/MMC to normalize the output by the \n"
"below formula\n"
"Φ(i,j,k,t)=E(i,j,k,t) / (V*E_total*dT)\n"
"where E(i,j,k,t) is the raw accummuated energy at each voxel; \n"
"V is the size of the voxel in mm^3; dT is the time-gate width in s.\n"
"After normalization, the result becomes TPSF or Green's function.\n"
"Unchecking this option disables normalization.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckreflect.caption
msgid "Do reflection all boundaries (-b)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckreflect.hint
msgid ""
"DoReflect \n"
"Check this option (by default) enables reflection/refrection calculations \n"
"when  refractive index mismatch is detected at tissue boundaries.\n"
"If this option is unchecked, any photon hits the boundary between a \n"
"non-zero and zero-valued voxel will be terminated (i.e. total\n"
"absorbtion boundary condition). \n"
"The medium outside of the volume bounding box is assumed to have \n"
"the optical properties defined as label 0 (the first row in the Media Settings\n"
"table on the right).\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavedata.caption
msgid "Save fluence (-S)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavedata.hint
msgid ""
"DoSave \n"
"Checking this option makes MCX/MMC outputs the volumetric fluence\n"
"data: for MCX, it is the .mc2/.nii file; for MMC, it is a .dat file using P/H/B/S \n"
"ray-tracers and .mc2/.nii files when using the dual-grid mode (-M G).\n"
"Unchecking this option stops MCX/MMC output the .mc2/.nii file.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavedetector.caption
msgid "Save detected photons (-d)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavedetector.hint
msgid ""
"SaveDetector \n"
"Checking this option allows one to store detected photon \n"
"information. The output data records can be user-defined by\n"
"selecting the check-box list entitled \"Save detected photon\".\n"
"The output data are stored in a .mch file.\n"
"Unchecking this option disables output the .mch file (can be \n"
"slightly faster).\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavemask.caption
msgid "Save volume mask (-M)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksavemask.hint
msgid ""
"DoSaveMask \n"
"Checking this option asks MCX to output the pre-processed volume \n"
"masks. The preprocessed mask contains the voxels that are covered\n"
"under detectors; these voxels are designated by setting the sign-bit \n"
"as 1. One can visualize this dumped data mask using mcxplotvol.m\n"
"Unchecking this option suppresses the output of this mask file.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksaveref.caption
msgid "Save diffuse reflectance (-X)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksaveref.hint
msgid ""
"DoSaveRef \n"
"Checking this option allows MCX/MMC to output the escaped photon\n"
"weights on the exterior surface of the domain. For MCX, to save the \n"
"total diffuse reflectance, one must pad a layer of zero voxels in the \n"
"facet or full bounding box of the domain to store such data. The raw \n"
"total diffuse reflectance are normalized and stored as negative values\n"
"in the .mc2/.nii file. When loading such file using loadmc2.m, the diffuse\n"
"reflectance data are extracted and converted to positive output.\n"
"Unchecking this option disables saving diffuse reflectance data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksaveseed.caption
msgid "Save photon seeds (-q)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksaveseed.hint
msgid ""
"DoSaveSeed \n"
"Checking this option allows one to save the RNG seeds of the detected\n"
"photons in the .mch file. This makes it possible to perform photon replay\n"
"to compute the Jacobian when feeding this output .mch file as the seed\n"
"for the replay run.\n"
"Unchecking this option disables saving photon seeds.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksharedfs.caption
msgid "Shared file system"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksharedfs.hint
msgid ""
"DoSharedFS \n"
"Checking this option suggests that both the client and the server\n"
"share the same file system, thus, no file copying is needed. In other\n"
"word, the folder structure to read/write on both client and server\n"
"are identical. This is the case when one uses nfs/autofs on Linux/Mac.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckshowprogress.caption
msgid "Show progress bar"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckshowprogress.hint
msgid ""
"ShowProgress \n"
"(This option is highly experimental, use with caution, may cause hanging on some GPUs)\n"
"Check this option to let MCX/MMC to print a progress bar during the\n"
"GPU simulation. In some hardware, this may cause unstable behaviors\n"
"such as stalling or never return even the simulation is complete. If such\n"
"behavior is detected, please uncheck this option.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckskipvoid.caption
msgid "Skip void space (-k)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckskipvoid.hint
msgid ""
"DoSkipVoid \n"
"Checking this option starts photon's ellapse time when it first enters\n"
"a non-zero voxel.\n"
"Unchecking this option starts photon's ellapse time at launch time,\n"
"regardless it is launched in the background (0-valued) voxel or non-zero\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckspecular.caption
msgid "Do specular reflection (-V)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.ckspecular.hint
msgid ""
"DoSpecular \n"
"Checking this option performs a transmission calculation if a photon \n"
"is launched in the background; this results in change of direction angle\n"
"and loss of energy.\n"
"Unchecking this option moves a photon into a non-zero voxel without\n"
"considering the specular reflection and change of direction.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksrcfrom0.caption
msgid "Orign from [0,0,0] (-z)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.cksrcfrom0.hint
msgid ""
"DoSrcFrom0 \n"
"Checking this item assumes the lower-bottom corner of the voxelated \n"
"domain is [0,0,0] mm. The definitions of source and detector positions \n"
"are impacted by this definition.\n"
"Unchecking this option assumes the  lower-bottom corner of the  \n"
"domain is [1,1,1] mm.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edbenchmark.hint
msgid ""
"Benchmark \n"
"This option asks to run the built-in benchmark.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edblocksize.hint
msgid ""
"ThreadBlock \n"
"Specify a small integer, preferably a multiple of 32, to define \n"
"the block size - for example, 64 means a thread block contains \n"
"64 threads.\n"
"This is only used when the -A (autopilot mode) is not enabled.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edblocksize.text
msgid "64"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edbubble.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.edbubble.hint"
msgid "BubbleSize"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edbubble.text
msgid "-2"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edcmdinput.hint
msgid ""
"User Input\n"
"When connecting to a remote server via ssh/scp, one may asked to type\n"
"\"yes\" to save the ssh key or other interactive inputs. If this is the case, one\n"
"can use this field to type user input, and click \"Send\" to pipe user input to \n"
"the external program.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edconfigfile.hint
msgid ""
"InputFile \n"
"Specify the input file in either .inp or .json format.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.eddetectednum.hint
msgid ""
"DetectedNum \n"
"This sets the maximum number of detected photons to be stored. If\n"
"the actual detected photon number is higher than this specified number,\n"
"mcx/mmc will generate an warning and print out the actual detected \n"
"photon count; one can use that output in this field to allow MCX to store\n"
"all photons.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.eddetectednum.text
msgid "10000000"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edgate.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.edgate.hint"
msgid "GateNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edgpuid.hint
msgid ""
"GPUID \n"
"Use this list to select the device or devices (CPU or GPU) used to\n"
"run the simulation. For MCX, if multiple CUDA GPUs are installed, one\n"
"can select multiple devices to speed up the calculation; for MCXCL\n"
"and MMC, one can select OpenCL devices that include both CPU and\n"
"GPUs. In such case, only devices of the same platform can be selected.\n"
"For example, an NVIDIA GPU and a CPU can not be selected together.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edmoreparam.hint
msgid ""
"MoreParam \n"
"One can use this field to manually specify additional parameters that\n"
"are not supported by this GUI tool. Any parameter set here will overwrite\n"
"the previous setting.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edoutputformat.hint
msgid ""
"OutputFormat \n"
"This specifies the output data file format. The supported formats are\n"
".mc2 - a simple binary format stores the voxel-by-voxel binary data\n"
"    in the column-major order\n"
".nii - the NIfTI-1 format\n"
".tx3 - a simple 3D texture binary format.\n"
"ascii - text-based data file\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edoutputtype.hint
msgid ""
"OutputType \n"
"This option specifies the output data type. \n"
"* Fluence rate [J/mm^2/s] - the default output\n"
"* Fluence [J/mm^2] - the integration of the fluence \n"
"   rate over each time gate\n"
"* Energy density [J/mm^3] - can be computed by multiplying \n"
"   fluence with absorption μa\n"
"* Absorption Jacobian (mua) [1/mm] - in the replay mode, this\n"
"   outputs the sensitivity matrix for μa;\n"
"* Average scattering event count - in the replay mode, this\n"
"   outputs the number of scattering event per voxel\n"
"* Momentum transfer sensivity (DCS) - in the replay mode, this \n"
"   outputs the momentum transfer contribution/sensitivity from \n"
"   each voxel.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edphoton.hint
msgid ""
"PhotonNum \n"
"This defines the total simulated photons.\n"
"Can be an integer or number in scientific form. For example\n"
"100000 and 1e5 are both acceptable.\n"
"Please be noted that we highly suggest one to start with a\n"
"small photon number to avoid extended run time.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edphoton.text
msgid "1e6"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edphoton.texthint
msgid "Integer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edremote.hint
msgid ""
"RemoteCmd \n"
"Please choose the remote connection command using the dropdown list, or\n"
"type in this field manually. For windows, it is recommended to choose the \n"
"plink.exe command; for Linux, it is recommended to use the ssh command.\n"
"Please replace the user@server by the actual username and the server IP\n"
"or domain name.\n"
"You are highly recommended to set up key-based ssh access to avoid typing\n"
"password. Tutorials can be found at\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edremote.text
msgid "Built-in ssh"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edreplaydet.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.edreplaydet.hint"
msgid "ReplayDet"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edrespin.hint
msgid ""
"RespinNum \n"
"Setting this to a positive number will repeat the simulation by the specified\n"
"repeition count starting from different random seeds.\n"
"A negative integer asks MCX to divide the total photon number by the \n"
"absolute value of this input and run each subpart at a time. This can \n"
"reduce the per-call run time, but may result in extensive overhead of\n"
"running repeated simulations.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edseed.hint
msgid ""
"Seed \n"
"If this field is a large integer number, this specifies the RNG seed; \n"
"if this is a file name ending with .mch, it loads an .mch file generated \n"
"from previous simulation and replays the detected photons.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edseed.text
msgid "1648335518"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edseed.texthint
msgid "A large integer or .mch file name"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edsession.hint
msgid ""
"Session \n"
"This string will be used in all output files as part of the file names.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edthread.hint
msgid ""
"ThreadNum \n"
"Specify a large integer multiple of 32 (the warp size) to manually \n"
"define the thread numbers.\n"
"This is only used when the -A (autopilot mode) is not enabled.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edthread.text
msgid "16384"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edunitinmm.hint
msgid ""
"UnitInMM \n"
"This defines the voxel size. By default, 1x1x1 mm^3 voxels\n"
"are used. Has to be a positive floating point number. For example,\n"
"0.1 defines a 0.1x0.1x0.1 mm^3 voxel.\n"
"Currently, only isotropic voxels are supported.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edunitinmm.text
msgid "1"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edworkload.hint
msgid ""
"Workload \n"
"One can specify a series of comma-separated numbers to specify the\n"
"relative portion of workload between multiple selected devices. \n"
"For example: 10,10 asks MCX to run 50% of the total photons using the\n"
"1st device and 50% on the 2nd device. On the other hand, 10,100 splits\n"
"the total photon 1:10 between the 1st and 2nd devices.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edworkload.text
msgid "100"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.edworkload.texthint
msgid "Comma separated numbers"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.gradvsettings.caption
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grarray.hint
msgid ""
"ArrayOrder \n"
"Select MATLAB array order indicates that the input volume has a\n"
"column-major order - i.e. the left-most axis is the fastest index of\n"
"the array, like in MATLAB or FORTRAN.\n"
"Select C array order indicates that the input volume uses the \n"
"row-major order - i.e. the right-most index is the fastest index\n"
"of the array, like in C and Python.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.gratomic.hint
msgid ""
"UseAtomic \n"
"Using atomic operations avoids conflicts between multiple threads when\n"
"writing to the same voxel, thus is highly recommended.\n"
"In the very old CUDA hardware, using atomic operations has a high \n"
"overhead, but such overhead was signficiantly less since the Fermi GPU.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grbasic.caption
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grbc.caption
msgid "Boundary cond."
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grdet.caption
msgid "Save detected photon"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grgpu.caption
msgid "GPU Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grprogram.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.grprogram.caption"
msgid "Run Monte Carlo simulation with"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grprogram.hint
msgid ""
"In this panel, you choose which simulator to use. \n"
"Currently we support 3 simulators, \n"
"* MCX: NVIDIA GPU-based simulation using voxelated domain\n"
"* MCX-CL: OpenCL based CPU/GPU simulation using voxelated domain\n"
"* MMC: OpenCL based CPU/GPU simulation using tetrahedral meshes\n"
"The built-in domain designer only supports creating voxelated \n"
"domains and creating meshes will be supported in the future.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.grswitches.caption
msgid "Switches"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.image1.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.image1.hint"
msgid "About MCX"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label1.caption
msgid "Thread number (-t)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label1.hint
msgid "-t (--thread)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label10.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label10.caption"
msgid "or"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label10.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label10.hint"
msgid "-a (--array)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label11.caption
msgid "Output format"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label11.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label11.hint"
msgid "-u (--unitinmm)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label12.caption
msgid "Run MCX on"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label12.hint
msgid "-G (--gpu)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label13.caption
msgid "Seed (-E)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label13.hint
msgid "-E (--seed)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label14.caption
msgid "Output type (-O)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label14.hint
msgid "-O (--outputtype)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label15.caption
msgid "Workload split"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label15.hint
msgid "-W (--workload)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label16.caption
msgid "Debug flags"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label16.hint
msgid "-D (--debuglevel)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label17.caption
msgid "Replay detector ID (-Y)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label17.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label17.hint"
msgid "-Y (--replaydet)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label18.caption
msgid "Additional parameters"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label18.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label18.hint"
msgid "-Y (--replaydet)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label19.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label19.caption"
msgid "or"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label19.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label19.hint"
msgid "-a (--array)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label2.caption
msgid "Thread block size (-T)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label2.hint
msgid "-T (--blocksize)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label3.caption
msgid "Total photon number (-n)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label3.hint
msgid "-n (--photon)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label4.caption
msgid "Session ID (-s)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label4.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label4.hint"
msgid "-s (--sessionid)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label5.caption
msgid "User Input>"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label6.caption
msgid "Array order (-a)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label6.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label6.hint"
msgid "-a (--array)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label7.caption
msgid "Gate group size (-g)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label7.hint
msgid "-g (--gategroup)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label8.caption
msgid "Voxel size in mm (-u)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label8.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.label8.hint"
msgid "-u (--unitinmm)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label9.caption
msgid "Max detected photons(-H)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.label9.hint
msgid "-H (--maxdetphoton)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbatomic.caption
msgid "Atomic operations"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbatomic.hint
msgid "(--atomic)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbbubble.caption
msgid "Cache radius from src (-R)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbbubble.hint
msgid "-r (--skipradius)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbrespin.caption
msgid "Repetition (-r)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lbrespin.hint
msgid "-r (--repeat)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[0].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[0].caption"
msgid "Session"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[10].caption
msgid "DoSave"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[11].caption
msgid "DoNormalize"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[12].caption
msgid "Autopilot"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[13].caption
msgid "SaveDetector"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[14].caption
msgid "DetectedNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[15].caption
msgid "GPUID"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[16].caption
msgid "UnitInMM"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[17].caption
msgid "DoSaveRef"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[18].caption
msgid "DoSaveSeed"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[19].caption
msgid "DoSkipVoid"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[1].caption
msgid "InputFile"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[20].caption
msgid "DoSrcFrom0"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[21].caption
msgid "MediaCfg"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[22].caption
msgid "DetectorCfg"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[23].caption
msgid "MCXConfig"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[24].caption
msgid "Workload"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[25].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[25].caption"
msgid "ShapeCfg"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[26].caption
msgid "Seed"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[27].caption
msgid "DoSaveMask"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[28].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[28].caption"
msgid "DebugFlags"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[29].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[29].caption"
msgid "ReplayDet"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[2].caption
msgid "ThreadNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[30].caption
msgid "DoReplay"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[31].caption
msgid "MCProgram"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[32].caption
msgid "DoSpecular"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[33].caption
msgid "UseAtomic"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[34].caption
msgid "BasicOrder"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[35].caption
msgid "DebugPhoton"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[36].caption
msgid "MoreParam"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[37].caption
msgid "RemoteCmd"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[38].caption
msgid "DoRemote"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[39].caption
msgid "DoSharedFS"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[3].caption
msgid "ThreadBlock"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[40].caption
msgid "OutputFormat"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[41].caption
msgid "OutputType"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[42].caption
msgid "Boundary"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[43].caption
msgid "SaveDetFlag"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[44].caption
msgid "Benchmark"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[4].caption
msgid "PhotonNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[5].caption
msgid "RespinNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[6].caption
msgid "ArrayOrder"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[7].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[7].caption"
msgid "BubbleSize"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[8].caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[8].caption"
msgid "GateNum"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.lvjobs.columns[9].caption
msgid "DoReflect"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoabout.caption
msgid "About"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoabout.hint
msgid "About the author"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoadditem.caption
msgid "New"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoadditem.hint
msgid "Add a new task"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoconfig.caption
msgid "Setting"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoconfig.hint
msgid "Modify default paths"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdocopy.caption
msgid "Copy session to clipboard"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodefault.caption
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodefault.hint
msgid "Set default values"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodeleteitem.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdodeleteitem.caption"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodeleteitem.hint
msgid "Delete selected task"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmask.caption
msgid "Download volume labels (*_vol.nii)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmask.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmask.hint"
msgid "_vol.nii"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmc2.caption
msgid "Download fluence"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmch.caption
msgid "Download detected photon data (*.mch)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdodownloadmch.hint
msgid ".mch"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoexit.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdoexit.caption"
msgid "Exit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoexit.hint
msgid "Exit MCX Studio"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdohelp.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdohelp.caption"
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdohelp.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdohelp.hint"
msgid "Browse help information"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdohelpoptions.caption
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdohelpoptions.hint
msgid "List command line options"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoopen.caption
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoopen.hint
msgid "Open a project or volume file"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdopaste.caption
msgid "Paste session from clipboard"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotjnifti.caption
msgid "Plot fluence (jnii)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotjnifti.hint
msgid ".jnii"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotmc2.caption
msgid "Plot fluence (mc2)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotmc2.hint
msgid ".mc2"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotmesh.caption
msgid "Plot mesh"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotnifty.caption
msgid "Plot fluence (nii)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotnifty.hint
msgid ".nii"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotvol.caption
msgid "Plot Volume"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoplotvol.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdoplotvol.hint"
msgid "_vol.nii"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoquery.caption
msgid "GPU"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoquery.hint
msgid "List GPU Info"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdorun.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.mcxdorun.caption"
msgid "Run"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdorun.hint
msgid "Run selected task"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdorunall.caption
msgid "Run All"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdorunall.hint
msgid "Run all tasks"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdosave.caption
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdosave.hint
msgid "Save tasks to a project file"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdostop.caption
msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdostop.hint
msgid "Terminate current task"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdotoggleview.caption
msgid "Toggle View"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoverify.caption
msgid "Verify"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoverify.hint
msgid "Verify parameters"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoweb.caption
msgid "Web"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxdoweb.hint
msgid "MCX homepage"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.mcxsetcurrent.caption
msgid "mcxSetCurrent"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem1.caption
msgid "File"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem11.caption
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem2.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.menuitem2.caption"
msgid "Run"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem22.caption
msgid "Open output folder"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem24.caption
msgid "Plot volume (_vol.nii)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem28.caption
msgid "Download fluence (mc2/nii/hdr/img)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem3.caption
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem31.caption
msgid "Download detected photon data (mch)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem32.caption
msgid "Download volume mask (_vol.nii)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem35.caption
msgid "MCX Documentation"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem35.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem36.caption
msgid "MMC Documentation"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem36.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem37.caption
msgid "MCX-CL Documentation"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem37.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem39.caption
msgid "MCX/MCXCL User Forum (mcx-users)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem39.hint
msgid "!forum/mcx-users"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem4.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.menuitem4.caption"
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem40.caption
msgid "MMC User Forum (mmc-users)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem40.hint
msgid "!forum/mmc-users"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem41.caption
msgid "Iso2Mesh User Forum (iso2mesh-users)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem41.hint
msgid "!forum/iso2mesh-users"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem43.caption
msgid "Download Nightly-Build"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem43.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem45.caption
msgid "MCX Github"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem45.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem46.caption
msgid "MMC Github"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem46.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem47.caption
msgid "MCX-CL Github"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem47.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem49.caption
msgid "Report MCX Issues"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem49.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem50.caption
msgid "Report MMC Issues"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem50.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem51.caption
msgid "Report MCX-CL Issues"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem51.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem53.caption
msgid "MCX GPU Speed Benchmark Database"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem53.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem55.caption
msgid "Refereces"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem56.caption
msgid "[Fang2009] Original MCX Paper"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem56.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem57.caption
msgid "[Fang2010] Original MMC Paper"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem57.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem58.caption
msgid "[Yu2018] Original MCX-CL Paper"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem58.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem59.caption
msgid "[Fang2011] MMC ray-tracing comparison"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem59.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem60.caption
msgid "[Fang2012] SIMD MMC"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem60.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem61.caption
msgid "[Yao2016] Widefield MMC"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem61.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem62.caption
msgid "[Yao2018] Jacobians with photon replay"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem62.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem63.caption
msgid "[Yan2019] Dual-grid MMC"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem63.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem64.caption
msgid "MCX Main Web"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem66.caption
msgid "Table of all input flags"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem66.hint
msgid " "
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem69.caption
msgid "[Fang2019] GPU MMC"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem69.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem70.caption
msgid "[Brain2Mesh2020] Brain2Mesh brain meshing toolbox"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem70.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem71.caption
msgid "[Yuan2020] PBM over lifespan"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem71.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem72.caption
msgid "[Yuan2021] Implicit MMC (iMMC)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem72.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem73.caption
msgid "[Yan2020] SVMC hybrid method"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem73.hint
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem76.caption
msgid "Open Volume Viewer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.menuitem9.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.menuitem9.caption"
msgid "Volume Designer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.miclearlog.caption
msgid "Clear Log"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.micopy.caption
msgid "Copy selected"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.miexportjson.caption
msgid "Export self-contained JSON input file"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.miusematlab.caption
msgid "Print MATLAB plotting commands only"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.openhistoryfile.title
msgctxt "tfmmcx.openhistoryfile.title"
msgid "Open Photon History File (*.mch)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.openproject.title
msgid "Open existing project"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.openvolume.title
msgctxt "tfmmcx.openvolume.title"
msgid "Open Photon History File (*.mch)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.rbusebench.caption
msgid "Built-in"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.rbusedesigner.caption
msgid "User-defined »"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.rbusefile.caption
msgid "Use Input File (-f)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.saveproject.title
msgid "Save project as"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sbinfo.panels[0].text
msgid "Status: idle"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgconfig.columns[0].title.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.sgconfig.columns[0].title.caption"
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgconfig.hint
msgid ""
"MCXConfig \n"
"This defines the remaining key parameters used in an MCX/MMC\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgdet.hint
msgid ""
"DetectorCfg \n"
"This table defines all detectors in the domain. \n"
"Please note that currently MCX/MMC only supports spherical detectors,\n"
"defined by the [x,y,z] center position and radius (radius).\n"
"Please also note that photon detection only happens before a photon is\n"
"terminated, i.e. when it escapes the exterior bounding box or moving from\n"
"a non-zero voxel to a zero voxel. Therefore, a detector's aperature is the\n"
"actual bounding box surface or the surface of the non-zero voxels truncated\n"
"by a sphere centered at [x,y,z] with raidus r.\n"
"Detector position is sensitive to the \"Origin from [0 0 0] -z\" flag.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgmedia.columns[0].title.caption
msgid "μa (1/mm)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgmedia.columns[1].title.caption
msgid "μs (1/mm)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgmedia.columns[2].title.caption
msgid "g (anisotropy)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgmedia.columns[3].title.caption
msgid "n (reflective index)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.sgmedia.hint
msgid ""
"MediaCfg \n"
"This table defines the optical properties for all needed tissue labels.\n"
"The first row (label 0) is reserved for the background medium - which includes\n"
"the space outside the bounding box of the volume, as well as any voxels with\n"
"a zero-value.\n"
"One can select a row and copy/paste to other rows.\n"
"If more labels are needed, move to the bottom of the table, and press \"down\"\n"
"arrow key to create a new row below.\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddbox.caption
msgid "Box"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddbox.hint
msgid "Add a 3D box (using the center of the voxels - i.e. add 0.5 in all directions)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddcylinder.caption
msgid "Cylinder"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddcylinder.hint
msgid "Add a cylinder"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddgrid.caption
msgid "Grid"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddgrid.hint
msgid "Define a uniform grid as the simulation space"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddname.caption
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddname.hint
msgid "Define a name for the domain"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddorigin.caption
msgid "Origin"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddorigin.hint
msgid "Define the origin for subsequent objects"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddsphere.caption
msgid "Sphere"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddsphere.hint
msgid "Add a 3D sphere"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddsubgrid.caption
msgid "Subgrid"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddsubgrid.hint
msgid "Add a 3D box (using the lower-corner of the voxel)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddupperspace.caption
msgid "Upper"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddupperspace.hint
msgid "Add an upper-space defined by a linear inequality"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddxlayers.caption
msgid "XLayers"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddxlayers.hint
msgid "Add a layered structure along x-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddxslabs.caption
msgid "XSlabs"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddxslabs.hint
msgid "Add a slab along x-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddylayers.caption
msgid "YLayers"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddylayers.hint
msgid "Add a layered structure along y-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddyslabs.caption
msgid "YSlabs"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddyslabs.hint
msgid "Add a slab along y-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddzlayers.caption
msgid "ZLayers"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddzlayers.hint
msgid "Add a layered structure along z-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddzslabs.caption
msgid "ZSlabs"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeaddzslabs.hint
msgid "Add a slab along z-axis"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapedelete.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.shapedelete.caption"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapedelete.hint
msgid "Delete selected object"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeedit.caption
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapepreview.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.shapepreview.caption"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapepreview.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.shapepreview.hint"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeprint.caption
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapeprint.hint
msgid "Print selected object"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapereset.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.shapereset.caption"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.shapereset.hint
msgid "Reset to a 60x60x60 homogeneous cubic domain"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.statictext1.caption
msgid "Additional Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.statictext2.caption
msgid "Media Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.statictext3.caption
msgid "Detector Settings (in voxel unit)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.tabinputdata.caption
msgid "Simulation Designer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.tabvolumedesigner.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.tabvolumedesigner.caption"
msgid "Volume Designer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.tbtverify.caption
msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbar1.caption
msgid "MCX Ribon"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbar2.caption
msgid "ToolBar2"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbar3.caption
msgid "ToolBar3"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton11.caption
msgid "Plot ▾"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton11.hint
msgid "Plot MCX output data"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton12.caption
msgid "ToolButton12"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton13.caption
msgid "ToolButton13"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton17.caption
msgid "ToolButton17"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton35.caption
msgid "ToolButton35"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton39.hint
msgid "Reset volume and define a different dimension"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton5.caption
msgid "ToolButton5"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton7.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.toolbutton7.caption"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton8.caption
msgctxt "tfmmcx.toolbutton8.caption"
msgid "ToolButton8"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton9.caption
msgid "Help ▾"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.toolbutton9.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.toolbutton9.hint"
msgid "Browse help information"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.tvshapes.hint
msgctxt "tfmmcx.tvshapes.hint"
msgid "ShapeCfg"
msgstr ""

#: tfmmcx.vlbc.hint
msgid ""
"Boundary \n"
"Using this box to set the boundary condition for each one of the 6\n"
"facets on the bounding box. A total of 4 boundary conditions are\n"
"1. total absorbing BC: photon hiting the boundary are terminated\n"
"2. Fresnel reflection BC: perform Fresnel reflection/transmission\n"
"3. mirror/total reflection BC: photon is 100% reflected (can run a long time)\n"
"4. cylic BC: a photon exiting from a facet will re-enter from the opposite one\n"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.btcancel.caption
msgctxt "tfmnewsession.btcancel.caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.btok.caption
msgctxt "tfmnewsession.btok.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.caption
msgid "Create A New Simulation"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.edsession.hint
msgctxt "tfmnewsession.edsession.hint"
msgid "Session"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.grprogram.caption
msgctxt "tfmnewsession.grprogram.caption"
msgid "Run Monte Carlo simulation with"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.grprogram.hint
msgid "Program"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.label4.caption
msgid "Please type in a unique session name"
msgstr ""

#: tfmnewsession.label4.hint
msgctxt "tfmnewsession.label4.hint"
msgid "-s (--sessionid)"
msgstr ""

#: tfmshapeeditor.btcancel.caption
msgctxt "tfmshapeeditor.btcancel.caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: tfmshapeeditor.btok.caption
msgctxt "tfmshapeeditor.btok.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmshapeeditor.caption
msgid "Edit Shapes"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.btcancel.caption
msgctxt "tfmsource.btcancel.caption"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.btok.caption
msgctxt "tfmsource.btok.caption"
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.caption
msgid "Light Source Settings"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.edsource.text
msgid "pencil"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.label4.caption
msgid "Please select a light source type:"
msgstr ""

#: tfmsource.label5.caption
msgid "Please define source parameters:"
msgstr ""

#: tfmstop.caption
msgid "Running ..."
msgstr ""

#: tfmstop.toolbar1.caption
msgid "Running"
msgstr ""

#: tfmstop.toolbutton3.caption
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""

#: tfmstop.toolbutton3.hint
msgid "Hide this window"
msgstr ""

#: tfmstop.toolbutton8.caption
msgctxt "tfmstop.toolbutton8.caption"
msgid "ToolButton8"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.btbackground.hint
msgctxt "tfmviewer.btbackground.hint"
msgid "Change Background Color"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.btopaque.caption
msgid "btOpaque"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.btopaque.hint
msgid "Show Opaque Hull"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.caption
msgid "MCX Studio Volume Renderer"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.grdir.caption
msgid "Slicing direction"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.label1.caption
msgid "Rendering quality"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.label2.caption
msgid "Cutting plane position:"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.label3.caption
msgid "Invisible threshold"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.label4.caption
msgid "Color level"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotexit.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotexit.caption"
msgid "Exit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotexit.hint
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotexit.hint"
msgid "Exit"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotopen.caption
msgid "Open File"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotopen.hint
msgid "Open Data File"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotrefresh.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotrefresh.caption"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotrefresh.hint
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotrefresh.hint"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotresetcamera.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotresetcamera.caption"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotsavescreen.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotsavescreen.caption"
msgid "Save Screen"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotsavescreen.hint
msgid "Save screenshot"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotshowbbx.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotshowbbx.caption"
msgid "Show Bounding Box"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotshowbbx.hint
msgctxt "tfmviewer.mcxplotshowbbx.hint"
msgid "Show Bounding Box"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotusecolor.caption
msgid "Pseudocolor"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.mcxplotusecolor.hint
msgid "Use Pseudocolor"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.toolbar1.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.toolbar1.caption"
msgid "ToolBar1"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.toolbutton10.caption
msgid "ToolButton10"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.toolbutton4.hint
msgid "Reset 3D View"
msgstr ""

#: tfmviewer.toolbutton9.caption
msgctxt "tfmviewer.toolbutton9.caption"
msgid "ToolButton9"
msgstr ""
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