MCXLAB: help info
MCXLAB accepts the below input parameters (type help mcxlab to display)
MCXLAB - Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) for MATLAB/GNU Octave
Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Qianqian Fang (q.fang at
[fluence,detphoton,vol,seed,trajectory]=mcxlab(cfg, option);
cfg: a struct, or struct array. Each element of cfg defines
the parameters associated with a simulation.
if cfg='gpuinfo': return the supported GPUs and their parameters,
see sample script at the bottom
option: (optional), options is a string, specifying additional options
option='preview': this plots the domain configuration using mcxpreview(cfg)
option='opencl': force using mcxcl.mex* instead of mcx.mex* on NVIDIA/AMD/Intel hardware
option='cuda': force using mcx.mex* instead of mcxcl.mex* on NVIDIA GPUs
if one defines USE_MCXCL=1 in MATLAB command line window, all following
mcxlab and mcxlabcl calls will use mcxcl.mex; by setting option='cuda', one can
force both mcxlab and mcxlabcl to use mcx (cuda version). Similarly, if
USE_MCXCL=0, all mcxlabcl and mcxlab call will use mcx.mex by default, unless
one set option='opencl'.
cfg may contain the following fields:
== Required ==
*cfg.nphoton: the total number of photons to be simulated (integer)
maximum supported value is 2^63-1
*cfg.vol: a 3D array specifying the media index in the domain.
can be uint8, uint16, uint32, single or double
2D simulations are supported if cfg.vol has a singleton
dimension (in x or y); srcpos/srcdir must belong to
the 2D plane in such case.
for 2D simulations, Example: demo_mcxlab_2d.m
mcxlab also accepts 4D arrays to define continuously varying media.
The following formats are accepted
1 x Nx x Ny x Nz float32 array: mua values for each voxel (must use permute to make 1st dimension singleton)
2 x Nx x Ny x Nz float32 array: mua/mus values for each voxel (g/n use prop(2,:))
4 x Nx x Ny x Nz uint8 array: mua/mus/g/n gray-scale (0-255) interpolating between prop(2,:) and prop(3,:)
2 x Nx x Ny x Nz uint16 array: mua/mus gray-scale (0-65535) interpolating between prop(2,:) and prop(3,:)
Example: demo_continuous_mua_mus.m. If voxel-based media are used, partial-path/momentum outputs are disabled
*cfg.prop: an N by 4 array, each row specifies [mua, mus, g, n] in order.
the first row corresponds to medium type 0
(background) which is typically [0 0 1 1]. The
second row is type 1, and so on. The background
medium (type 0) has special meanings: a photon
terminates when moving from a non-zero to zero voxel.
*cfg.tstart: starting time of the simulation (in seconds)
*cfg.tstep: time-gate width of the simulation (in seconds)
*cfg.tend: ending time of the simulation (in second)
*cfg.srcpos: a 1 by 3 vector, the position of the source in grid unit
*cfg.srcdir: a 1 by 3 vector, specifying the incident vector; if srcdir
contains a 4th element, it specifies the focal length of
the source (only valid for focuable src, such as planar, disk,
fourier, gaussian, pattern, slit, etc); if the focal length
is nan, all photons will be launched isotropically regardless
of the srcdir direction.
== MC simulation settings ==
cfg.seed: seed for the random number generator (integer) [0]
if set to a uint8 array, the binary data in each column is used
to seed a photon (i.e. the "replay" mode)
Example: demo_mcxlab_replay.m
cfg.respin: repeat simulation for the given time (integer) [1]
if negative, divide the total photon number into respin subsets
cfg.isreflect: [1]-consider refractive index mismatch, 0-matched index
cfg.bc per-face boundary condition (BC), a strig of 6 letters (case insensitive) for
bounding box faces at -x,-y,-z,+x,+y,+z axes;
overwrite cfg.isreflect if given.
each letter can be one of the following:
'_': undefined, fallback to cfg.isreflect
'r': like cfg.isreflect=1, Fresnel reflection BC
'a': like cfg.isreflect=0, total absorption BC
'm': mirror or total reflection BC
'c': cyclic BC, enter from opposite face
cfg.isnormalized:[1]-normalize the output fluence to unitary source, 0-no reflection
cfg.isspecular: 1-calculate specular reflection if source is outside, [0] no specular reflection
cfg.maxgate: the num of time-gates per simulation
cfg.minenergy: terminate photon when weight less than this level (float) [0.0]
cfg.unitinmm: defines the length unit for a grid edge length [1.0]
Example: demo_sphere_cube_subpixel.m
cfg.shapes: a JSON string for additional shapes in the grid
Example: demo_mcxyz_skinvessel.m
cfg.gscatter: after a photon completes the specified number of
scattering events, mcx then ignores anisotropy g
and only performs isotropic scattering for speed [1e9]
== GPU settings ==
cfg.autopilot: 1-automatically set threads and blocks, [0]-use nthread/nblocksize
cfg.nblocksize: how many CUDA thread blocks to be used [64]
cfg.nthread: the total CUDA thread number [2048]
cfg.gpuid: which GPU to use (run 'mcx -L' to list all GPUs) [1]
if set to an integer, gpuid specifies the index (starts at 1)
of the GPU for the simulation; if set to a binary string made
of 1s and 0s, it enables multiple GPUs. For example, '1101'
allows to use the 1st, 2nd and 4th GPUs together.
Example: mcx_gpu_benchmarks.m
cfg.workload an array denoting the relative loads of each selected GPU.
for example, [50,20,30] allocates 50%, 20% and 30% photons to the
3 selected GPUs, respectively; [10,10] evenly divides the load
between 2 active GPUs. A simple load balancing strategy is to
use the GPU core counts as the weight.
cfg.isgpuinfo: 1-print GPU info, [0]-do not print
== Source-detector parameters ==
cfg.detpos: an N by 4 array, each row specifying a detector: [x,y,z,radius]
cfg.maxdetphoton: maximum number of photons saved by the detectors [1000000]
cfg.srctype: source type, the parameters of the src are specified by cfg.srcparam{1,2}
Example: demo_mcxlab_srctype.m
'pencil' - default, pencil beam, no param needed
'isotropic' - isotropic source, no param needed
'cone' - uniform cone beam, srcparam1(1) is the half-angle in radian
'gaussian' [*] - a collimated gaussian beam, srcparam1(1) specifies the waist radius (in voxels)
'planar' [*] - a 3D quadrilateral uniform planar source, with three corners specified
by srcpos, srcpos+srcparam1(1:3) and srcpos+srcparam2(1:3)
'pattern' [*] - a 3D quadrilateral pattern illumination, same as above, except
srcparam1(4) and srcparam2(4) specify the pattern array x/y dimensions,
and srcpattern is a floating-point pattern array, with values between [0-1].
if cfg.srcnum>1, srcpattern must be a floating-point array with
a dimension of [srcnum srcparam1(4) srcparam2(4)]
Example: demo_photon_sharing.m
'pattern3d' [*] - a 3D illumination pattern. srcparam1{x,y,z} defines the dimensions,
and srcpattern is a floating-point pattern array, with values between [0-1].
'fourier' [*] - spatial frequency domain source, similar to 'planar', except
the integer parts of srcparam1(4) and srcparam2(4) represent
the x/y frequencies; the fraction part of srcparam1(4) multiplies
2*pi represents the phase shift (phi0); 1.0 minus the fraction part of
srcparam2(4) is the modulation depth (M). Put in equations:
S=0.5*[1+M*cos(2*pi*(fx*x+fy*y)+phi0)], (0<=x,y,M<=1)
'arcsine' - similar to isotropic, except the zenith angle is uniform
distribution, rather than a sine distribution.
'disk' [*] - a uniform disk source pointing along srcdir; the radius is
set by srcparam1(1) (in grid unit)
'fourierx' [*] - a general Fourier source, the parameters are
srcparam1: [v1x,v1y,v1z,|v2|], srcparam2: [kx,ky,phi0,M]
normalized vectors satisfy: srcdir cross v1=v2
the phase shift is phi0*2*pi
'fourierx2d' [*] - a general 2D Fourier basis, parameters
srcparam1: [v1x,v1y,v1z,|v2|], srcparam2: [kx,ky,phix,phiy]
the phase shift is phi{x,y}*2*pi
'zgaussian' - an angular gaussian beam, srcparam1(0) specifies the variance in the zenith angle
'line' - a line source, emitting from the line segment between
cfg.srcpos and cfg.srcpos+cfg.srcparam(1:3), radiating
uniformly in the perpendicular direction
'slit' [*] - a colimated slit beam emitting from the line segment between
cfg.srcpos and cfg.srcpos+cfg.srcparam(1:3), with the initial
dir specified by cfg.srcdir
'pencilarray' - a rectangular array of pencil beams. The srcparam1 and srcparam2
are defined similarly to 'fourier', except that srcparam1(4) and srcparam2(4)
are both integers, denoting the element counts in the x/y dimensions, respectively.
For exp., srcparam1=[10 0 0 4] and srcparam2[0 20 0 5] represent a 4x5 pencil beam array
spanning 10 grids in the x-axis and 20 grids in the y-axis (5-voxel spacing)
source types marked with [*] can be focused using the
focal length parameter (4th element of cfg.srcdir)
cfg.{srcparam1,srcparam2}: 1x4 vectors, see cfg.srctype for details
cfg.srcpattern: see cfg.srctype for details
cfg.srcnum: the number of source patterns that are
simultaneously simulated; only works for 'pattern'
source, see cfg.srctype='pattern' for details
Example demo_photon_sharing.m
cfg.issrcfrom0: 1-first voxel is [0 0 0], [0]- first voxel is [1 1 1]
cfg.replaydet: only works when cfg.outputtype is 'jacobian', 'wl', 'nscat', or 'wp' and cfg.seed is an array
-1 replay all detectors and save in separate volumes (output has 5 dimensions)
0 replay all detectors and sum all Jacobians into one volume
a positive number: the index of the detector to replay and obtain Jacobians
cfg.voidtime: for wide-field sources, [1]-start timer at launch, or 0-when entering
the first non-zero voxel
== Output control ==
cfg.savedetflag: ['dp'] - a string (case insensitive) controlling the output detected photon data fields
1 d output detector ID (1)
2 s output partial scat. even counts (#media)
4 p output partial path-lengths (#media)
8 m output momentum transfer (#media)
16 x output exit position (3)
32 v output exit direction (3)
64 w output initial weight (1)
combine multiple items by using a string, or add selected numbers together
by default, mcx only saves detector ID (d) and partial-path data (p)
cfg.issaveexit: [0]-save the position (x,y,z) and (vx,vy,vz) for a detected photon
same as adding 'xv' to cfg.savedetflag. Example: demo_lambertian_exit_angle.m
cfg.ismomentum: 1 to save photon momentum transfer,[0] not to save.
save as adding 'M' to cfg.savedetflag string
cfg.issaveref: [0]-save diffuse reflectance/transmittance in the non-zero voxels
next to a boundary voxel. The reflectance data are stored as
negative values; must pad zeros next to boundaries
Example: see the demo script at the bottom
cfg.outputtype: 'flux' - fluence-rate, (default value)
'fluence' - fluence integrated over each time gate,
'energy' - energy deposit per voxel
'jacobian' or 'wl' - mua Jacobian (replay mode),
'nscat' or 'wp' - weighted scattering counts for computing Jacobian for mus (replay mode)
for type jacobian/wl/wp, example: demo_mcxlab_replay.m
and demo_replay_timedomain.m
cfg.session: a string for output file names (only used when no return variables)
== Debug ==
cfg.debuglevel: debug flag string (case insensitive), one or a combination of ['R','M','P'], no space
'R': debug RNG, output is filled with 0-1 random numbers
'M': return photon trajectory data as the 5th output
'P': show progress bar
cfg.maxjumpdebug: [10000000|int] when trajectory is requested in the output,
use this parameter to set the maximum position stored. By default,
only the first 1e6 positions are stored.
fields with * are required; options in [] are the default values
fluence: a struct array, with a length equals to that of cfg.
For each element of fluence, fluence(i).data is a 4D array with
dimensions specified by [size(vol) total-time-gates].
The content of the array is the normalized fluence at
each voxel of each time-gate.
detphoton: (optional) a struct array, with a length equals to that of cfg.
Starting from v2018, the detphoton contains the below subfields:
detphoton.detid: the ID(>0) of the detector that captures the photon
detphoton.nscat: cummulative scattering event counts in each medium
detphoton.ppath: cummulative path lengths in each medium (partial pathlength)
one need to multiply cfg.unitinmm with ppath to convert it to mm. cummulative cos_theta for momentum transfer in each medium
detphoton.p or .v: exit position and direction, when cfg.issaveexit=1
detphoton.w0: photon initial weight at launch time
detphoton.prop: optical properties, a copy of cfg.prop a concatenated and transposed array in the order of
[detid nscat ppath mom p v w0]'
"data" is the is the only subfield in all mcxlab before 2018
vol: (optional) a struct array, each element is a preprocessed volume
corresponding to each instance of cfg. Each volume is a 3D int32 array.
seeds: (optional), if give, mcxlab returns the seeds, in the form of
a byte array (uint8) for each detected photon. The column number
of seed equals that of detphoton.
trajectory: (optional), if given, mcxlab returns the trajectory data for
each simulated photon. The output has 6 rows, the meanings are
id: 1: index of the photon packet
pos: 2-4: x/y/z/ of each trajectory position
5: current photon packet weight
6: reserved
By default, mcxlab only records the first 1e7 positions along all
simulated photons; change cfg.maxjumpdebug to define a different limit.
% first query if you have supported GPU(s)
% define the simulation using a struct
cfg.vol(20:40,20:40,10:30)=2; % add an inclusion
cfg.prop=[0 0 1 1;0.005 1 0 1.37; 0.2 10 0.9 1.37]; % [mua,mus,g,n]
cfg.srcpos=[30 30 1];
cfg.srcdir=[0 0 1];
cfg.detpos=[30 20 1 1;30 40 1 1;20 30 1 1;40 30 1 1];
cfg.vol(:,:,1)=0; % pad a layer of 0s to get diffuse reflectance
% calculate the fluence distribution with the given config
% integrate time-axis (4th dimension) to get CW solutions
cwfluence=sum(,4); % fluence rate
cwdref=sum(fluence.dref,4); % diffuse reflectance
% plot configuration and results
mcxpreview(cfg);title('domain preview');
imagesc(squeeze(log(cwfluence(:,30,:))));title('fluence at y=30');
hist(detpt.ppath(:,1),50); title('partial path tissue#1');
plot(squeeze(,30,30,:)),'-o');title('TPSF at [30,30,30]');
newtraj=mcxplotphotons(traj);title('photon trajectories')
imagesc(squeeze(log(cwdref(:,:,1))));title('diffuse refle. at z=1');
This function is part of Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) URL:
License: GNU General Public License version 3, please read LICENSE.txt for details